Ecumenical Patriarchate Rejects Three Name List for New Chicago Metropolitan

Istanbul.– The synod of bishops at the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, meeting currently at the Phanar in Istanbul, Turkey, has rejected the list of three candidates for the position of Metropolitan of Chicago.

An official statement has not yet been made as information received by The Pappas Post came from within the meeting quarters, which is still in session.

The seat was vacated following the death of Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago, who held the seat for more than 40 years.

The synod of American Metropolitans, comprising the hierarchs from the Metropolises of Boston, Pittsburgh, New Jersey, Atlanta, Detroit, Denver and San Francisco and presided over by Archbishop Demetrios of America, met in New York City on July 6 to deliberate and create what the Church calls a “triprosopon,” or list of three names.

These three names are then submitted to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople for review by thy Synod and ultimate election of the new Metropolitan.