Join AHEPA in Helping The Victims of Hurricane Sandy

Brothers and Sisters of the AHEPA Family:

Hurricane Sandy will no doubt go into the history books as one of the largest and most devastating hurricanes in American history.  The AHEPA Emergency Response Committee through the auspices of the Supreme President, Dr. Grossomanides, are actively working with the Districts which have been affected.  Currently we are developing a plan to see how AHEPA can help. As always we ask you to visit our web site and download the AHEPA Family Emergency Plan Booklet which is located in “Downloadable Forms” section of our web site.

AHEPA will make a formal announcement after our preliminary investigation shows us where our help is most needed.  In the meantime, we are asking all of our chapters to:

  1. Donate funds made out to the: AHEPA Charitable Foundation (a 501 c 3), in any amount in preparation of making a financial donation to assist. Please forward these monies to AHEPA headquarters as quickly as possible or click on our web site and make an electronic donation to the AHEPA Emergency Relief Fund by clicking the “Contribute” button and click on AHEPA Emergency Relief Fund or visit the site at:
  2. All AHEPA members are asked to reach out in their communities to mobilize volunteering in areas affected by the hurricane.  AHEPA has a long tradition of service in our communities, call your local fire departments and Red Cross shelters and see what AHEPA can do to help.
  3. Ask around your area if you can collect clothing, donate food stuffs, and be aggressive in efforts to get food and clothing to people in need.
  4. Coordinate efforts to assist first responders, have your chapter volunteer time and man power in areas affected.  Ask to feed your first responders by manning a soup kitchen or donating time to prepare meals for persons dealing with all the damage.
  5. Hold fundraiser in your communities for future need of relief efforts.

Our strength lies in our communities and our chapter’s support of local charities.  Reach out in these areas and contact headquarters to let us know how we can be of assistance. Winter is fast approaching and there will be a definite need for clothing and food in these areas. Chapters can begin to coordinate preparing Thanksgiving meals for families who have been displaced.  Every one of our chapters can participate. Be sure to make AHEPA Headquarters aware of your efforts in order to help us promote the philanthropic ideals that the Order of AHEPA was built on.

Headquarters is coordinating to see how and where we can make a difference by volunteering our members to assist in the field.  FEMA and other governmental agencies are reaching out to coordinate our efforts.

Basil MossaidisFraternally, Basil Mossaidis Signature Basil Mossaidis, Executive Director