PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation: Invest in Our Raffle – Reward Yourself & Our Students‏

Invest in Our Raffle
Reward Yourself and Our Students
June 2, 2015
Dear Friend of the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation,
This is Chris Tomaras, the Founder and Chairman of this Foundation which, for the last 15 years, has been assisting our college students to succeed in their educational goals.
I write to you to personally ask for your support in helping our financially needy students complete their studies, get their degree, and become purposeful and engaged citizens. By donating to the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation, you allow us to give $250,000 in scholarships every year to students with not only high academic performance, but also with serious economic needs.

Here is how you can help: You may purchase at least one booklet of 5 Raffle tickets for $100. It’s easy; all you have to do is click hereOnce your payment is made, copies of your actual tickets will be mailed to you.
The drawing will take place at our annual Awards Gala on Saturday, June 20th and you do not have to be present to win. Who knows…you may win $10,000, $5,000 or $2,500. In any case, you will be helping our college students complete their goals with infinite gratitude from the Foundation and the students themselves.
I am truly grateful to you for being a Friend and Supporter of our Foundation.

Best regards,
Chris P. Tomaras
Founder & Chairman

Grand Prize: $10,000

Second Prize $5,000 * Third Prize $1,000

Donation: 5 Tickets for $100 or $25 per Ticket

Drawing: June 20, 2015

Awards Ceremony & Gala, Hilton Chicago

Winner need not to be present to win!

Must be 18 years of age or older to purchase raffle tickets.

PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation | (312) 357-6432 | Email | Website