PM Mitsotakis: When Greece’s voice holds weight in Europe, benefits all citizens

Agrinio, Greece.- Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis reinforced citizens during his visit to Agrinio on Saturday, emphasizing the significance of the upcoming European elections in ensuring Greece’s strong representation in Brussels for the next five years.

Addressing the crowd, Mitsotakis highlighted the crucial link between European and national affairs, stressing Greece’s transformative journey from being marginalized to playing a leading role on the European stage. He underscored that a strong Greek voice in Europe benefits all citizens.

Mitsotakis reinforced his message with examples, including the € 36 billion Recovery Fund allocation, earmarked for essential initiatives like preventive healthcare and educational enhancements such as interactive boards in schools. Additionally, he discussed ongoing and completed infrastructure projects in the Agrinio region, illustrating the government’s commitment to local development.